
Da Hood

What is Da Hood? (Roblox)

A mind-numbingly awful game.

What even is this

Da Hood has a reputation for being a terribly toxic game. It's supposed to emulate street violence and warfare in areas of heavy crime. The name is slang for "the neighborhood," referring to an inner-city neighborhood with low-income housing and a high crime rate. Not surprisingly, the majority of players in this game are rogangsters and slenders, or modern 90s punk rebel kids who idolize rap artists and will only listen to them. The Streets is a less popular game with a similar community and the same objective.

The main objective of this game is to taunt, and if you get taunted, seek revenge by taunting them back. It's a place where edgy 11-year-olds call each other slurs, narcissistic spoiled kids let out their pent-up angst by maiming everybody within sight.

To a normal mind, all of this is just very degenerating and cringe-inducing. Avoid this game at all costs.

Typical Da Hood players

When your health gets very low, you become "ragdolled" which means you sort of crumple to the ground and you can't move. Your character can still be moved by other players though. Players can kick you, pick you up, and beat you up.

Lin was kidnapped



Play Da Hood on Roblox here.

This Entry (#2): Published 05-25-2021

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